Attractor Theme includes everything you need to build something exceptional. Regardless your skill level, with Attractor, your website will look unique and professional.

Flip card
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Zoom box
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Content box
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Icon text
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Pie chart
[hgr_pie_chart pie_title= »FONT ICONS » pie_text= »Font Icons Included – With Attractor you Save $20 worth of Plugins » pie_size= »140″ bar_width= »2″ pie_percent= »25″ hgr_pie_percent_size= »24″ back_line_color= »#ededed » front_line_color= »#891A0A » scale_color= »#444444″ icon_type= »selector » icon= »fa fa-dropbox » icon_color= »#444444″ hgr_pie_icnsize= »28″]
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